Lincoln Hall at Portland State University
1620 SW Park Ave., Lincoln Recital Hall Room 25
Portland, OR
Price: Free
[SEPHARDIC REVIVAL] When the Sephardic Jews were expelled from Spain in that fateful year 1492, they migrated across Europe to Greece, the Balkans, Bulgaria and Turkey, picking up music and even a new language (Ladino, a hybrid of Hebrew, Spanish, Greek and Arabic). Jerusalem singer and multi-instrumentalist Guy Mendilow has retraced their path to find remnants of the old music and arrange it for his quartet (two singers, violin, woodwinds, percussion). This performance combines music and storytelling in original music, based on those traditional medieval and later songs. Mendilow gives a lecture-demo on the music and its history at PSU at 11 am on Oct. 9, part of PSU’s weekend conference on cultures of the Sephardic diaspora. BRETT CAMPBELL.